NEW: online course Principles of Sensory Science Wageningen (december 2020)

Dear colleagues


Are you looking for an introduction in the world of sensory science with a focus on eating behavior?
Wageningen University offers an online course Principles of Sensory Science, aimed at professionals. The course offers an integrated approach where food technology, consumer and nutrition science interact. costs: 1725 euro

For more information, see


Feel free to spread the word!


Best, Sanne

Sanne Boesveldt, PhD

Associate Professor Sensory Science and Eating Behavior

Division of Human Nutrition and Health


PO Box 17 | 6700 AA Wageningen 

Visiting address: Helix, Building 124, Room 1063 | Stippeneng 4 | 6708 WE Wageningen
( +31 317 482111 | * | ü |